Integration: Key Challenges

in-ti-greyt – verb (used with object), to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole. To make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do. Integration is the act of bringing together disparate components, systems or subsystems into a single, larger, more comprehensive system that functions as one,…

Winter Safety Tips

Every season brings a different set of potential safety hazards to be aware of. Being aware of potential hazards and learning what precautions to take will help minimize the effects of seasonal safety concerns. Winter can be a challenge when working. Be safe. Use your winter PPE when on your job site if you have…

The 7 Principles of a Successful Partnership

Early in my career I was introduced to some key principles in regards to developing meaningful relationships with strategic suppliers. I was introduced to the concept that Suppliers are every bit as important as Customers, and should be treated as such. This continues to resonate through ongoing joint sales, marketing and business development initiatives that…

Radio Service Made Easy: The Westcan Bag Program

Radio systems are designed to allow clients to manage site communications that underpin safety, productivity and operational excellence. These systems are highly sophisticated combinations of infrastructure, user radios and system controls that interact to deliver constant communications. Each element of a radio system is a unique piece of a complex interdependent/interactive structure akin to any…

Considerations When Purchasing Two-Way Radios for Business

FRS/GMRS or Business Radios? Thinking about FRS/GMRS instead of UHF or VHF?

 There are several factors that need to be considered to ensure you’re getting the best value for your dollar, and that the products you select will meet your needs over the course of the product’s lifecycle. FRS (Family Radio Service) and GMRS (General Mobile…

VHF vs UHF: How to Decide?

You’d be amazed by how many people – even those that use radio communications as a part of their daily professional life – are still unclear on the differences between UHF and VHF radios. With a little research (or by talking with a capable communications expert) the strengths and weaknesses of each can be easily…

Licensed Frequencies: 5 Things to Know

Did you know that all owners of VHF or UHF two way radios that have either a power output greater than 0.5W or a detachable antenna must be licensed by Industry Canada? In fact, it is illegal to possess, install, or operate a radio without proper authorization from Industry Canada. Here are the 5 things…

3 Keys to Remote Site Connectivity

Remote connectivity is becoming increasingly important for organizations to maintain efficient, effective operations. Reliable connections – particularly to remote or temporary locations – present a unique set of challenges to modern integrators seeking to find an alternative that has comparable strength and speed to leased lines on fibre, but less costly or logistically intensive. There…

Why Digital?

Licensed, professional two way radio is on the verge of making the biggest leap forward since the invention of the transistor: the evolution from analog to digital. Digital radio offers many advantages over analog, including improved voice quality at greater range, improved battery life in portable devices, better privacy, sophisticated call-control features, the ability to…

5 Keys to Selecting a Capable Integrator

When undertaking any sort of major communications project selecting a CAPABLE INTEGRATOR is vital to success. A capable integrator can conduct a proper needs analysis to ensure that coverage, speed and bandwidth targets are accurately evaluated and met. A communications network must be designed to be robust enough to manage critical operations and maintain the…

What We Do

As Western Canada’s premier supplier of integrated wireless communications, we are able to meet the varied needs of a diverse customer base, including: First Responders, Health Services, Utilities, Government, Oil & Gas, Industrial, Construction, Transportation, Private Security, Hospitality & Agriculture (to name a few). Westcan leads the industry in advanced training, has access to unrivalled…